Customer satisfaction, sales and market practice

We see fair practices as the only tools that can help us show respect for the evolving market and its demanding requirements. We also respect our competitors and focus mainly on market needs. We will always be ready to develop new services and approaches to continue to be one of the leading mobility providers in Romania.

Feedback is used to transmit information necessary for the delivery, negotiation and service provision processes and to define approach strategies, to control the intensity of communication and the flows between the different agencies/departments involved in the whole process evaluated.

The contribution to the improvement of service quality, starting from supervisors, colleagues, subordinates and customers, can improve the evolution of the organizational culture that is based on the quality of service provided.

Customer feedback is a direct reflection of their experience with our brand. There’s no better way to learn more about our customers and the quality of service we provide than through feedback.

Our organization’s culture is based on collecting feedback using the NPS (Net Promoter Score) method. The NPS method aims to increase the likelihood of being recommended by our customers. This method is characterized by asking a single question with the possibility of clarifications or additional details (if necessary).

Detractors:these are customers who are likely to provide a negative review because they have indicated that they were dissatisfied with our company.
An NPS score is compiled and calculated somewhere between -100 and 100.

Quality service for us means customer satisfaction.

There were no incidents of non-compliance with regard to the provision of product and service information, incidents of non-compliance with regard to marketing communications in 2021. Our products and services, by the nature of our business, have no direct impact on consumer health and safety.

Customer Safety

As of 2021, no cars in the fleet were monitored for NCAP classification.

We have an internal defensive driving course and, in 2021, these courses have also been conducted externally for our partners and clients, upon request.